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Great Gosling Shootout

The dates have been set for the 2025 Great Gosling Shootout tournament.

Boys - Saturday, February 8, 2025 (5th - 8th)

Girls - Sunday, February 9, 2025 (5th - 8th)

Tournament Rules


Tournament Rules Sheet 

*Cost of admission is $5.00 per adult (6 and under Free) 

Please no carry-ins 

All hardwood courts 

WIAA rules apply except: 

  • 18 minute halves running clock except for the last 2 minutes of game and all time outs. 
  • Clock will not stop if one team ahead by 16 points or more.  
  •  Halftime will be 3 minutes.  
  •  1 – 30 second time-out first half. 2 - 30 second time-outs second half. No carryover of timeouts.  
  •  4th-6th Grade - Man to man half court defense and no pressing except last 2 min. of game. (Trapping  is allowed in presses during last 2 minutes of game – still man to man in half court)
  • 4th-6th Grade -  No pressing when ahead by more than 15 pts 
  •  7th-8th Grade - No pressing when ahead by more than 15 pts – all presses and defenses allowed.
  •  28.5 ball for 4th-6th grade boys and all girls.  
  •  Overtime is sudden death. Each team will get 1 timeout with no carryovers.  
  •  Technical fouls are 2 pts. and the ball. 

All decisions of tournament director are final. Abusive behavior by coaches, players or fans will not be  tolerated and will lead to disqualification. Each team supplies a back-up adult score/time-keeper. Each  team supplies game and warm-up balls. No basketball playing in commons or on courts during time outs. There will NOT be an athletic trainer on site. Ice packs are available.  

Tie Breakers 1. Head to Head (unless there is a 3-way tie) 2. Point differential (max 15 per game) 3. Total  defensive points given up in 1st half Tournament brackets and schedules will be posted at